25 de julio de 2011

Puig Vela Classica Marconi Class Rating Issue

Puig Vela Clàssica races took place in Barcelona from July 14th to July 16th as part of the CIM circuit. There were 13 vintage yachts inscribed in the Marconi class (annex 1).
Prior to the race, Marconi class yacht “Peter” has undergone major structural modifications, including but not limited to, entering over 10cm both the mainmast and mizzen-mast shrouds, advancing the engine towards the center of the yacht and including fiberglass or equivalent at the level of the crosspieces of the mainmast. These modifications had not been included in the initial rating presented for the Puig Race (APM CIM 199.9 - Authenticity Co valued 0,93 as per previous years ratings).

Race Situation:
Winning yacht, (“Peter”), achieved the first position having inscribed an incorrect 2011 CIM rating (annex 2) that did not reflect the accurate measures of the yacht. Local CIM measurer Mr. Vicenç Domenech (VD), although having verified the previous fact prior to the last day race, did not act upon it, breaking CIM rules.

Timely Description:
- Day 14th and 15th of the race: No issues occurred in this respect.
- Day 16th:
09:45h CIM Measurer , Mr. VD is informed of the inaccurate rating of “Peter” as per previous explanation.
10:00 Mr. VD visits “Peter” and inspects both outside and inside the yacht to verify these modifications. Agreed these are major modifications, Mr. VD speaks by telephone with the CIM measurer of the Associazione Italiana Vele D´Epoca who issued “Peter” rating as of July 7th. Such measurer had issued this initial rating based on the comments of the yacht but without presence verification nor asking an alternative authorized measurer to check them. Mr. VD meets yacht “Peter” at the clubhouse to discuss.
Mr. VD and the Italian measurer agree that a new rating (annex 3 – APM CIM 197.4 basically Authenticity Co modified from 0,93 to 0,94) will be issued for “Peter”, in order for the yacht to be able to continue competing. As such, they agreed that in front of the race committee, the explanation will be that the Italian measurer made a “typing mistake” in order for this rating be accepted by the race committee. This new rating is dated valid from 16th July to 17th July.
11:30 Yacht leave to sea and racing takes place until mid afternoon.
17h While the race committee is at sea and without informing Head of Race Committee nor the Head of Measurement, Mr. VD decides unilaterally to instruct the administrative staff to amend the rating of “Peter” in the information technology system and to issue all classifications backdated from July 14th onwards with the new rating.
As such, the provisional classification of the third race, issued calculating the compensation times of the new rating, is posted after the race on the official race board (as provisional results) and is read by several astonished owners / skippers of Marconi yachts.
It is agreed that a formal request is presented to the race committee to clarify the situation (annex 4). Upon arrival to shore, Race Committee Head immediately redressed the situation, changing the provisional results and confirmed no modifications to rating of “Peter” had been accepted.
Prior to the prize giving, extensive conversation were held with Mr. VD to obtain an explanation why CIM measurer was not taking action upon a yacht that, as CIM measurers had verified, presented an inaccurate rating. No comprehensive explanation was given.

Final classification signed and stamped by the Race Committee applied initial inaccurate rating (APM 199.9 - Co 0.93) since no formal communication nor action was made from the CIM measurer to the Race Committee in this respect.

Questions to CIM:

1.- Skippers / owners of the Marconi and Classic yachts class jointly request technical committee of CIM conduct an independent audit of the situation occurred during the Puig Vela Classica race as per previous facts, in order to issue a formal CIM report.
2.- Does CIM consider valid the classification of the Puig Vela Classica Marconi Class?
3.- What decisions / actions is CIM going to implement on the involved parties (yacht and measurer involved), knowing they were aware other yachts were competing in unfair conditions and did nothing about it?
4.- How is CIM going to prevent this situation occurring in the next races?